Thursday, April 14, 2011

First Month Wrap Up

(WARNING: This post is entirely about our baby girl and may be boring for those who are not as enamored with her as we are...)

I have been thinking about our friends and family who live far away, and especially about the two tearful grandmas who had to say goodbye to Macy over the last couple of weeks. Not to mention the fact that Macy has yet to meet 1 of her grandpas and most of her aunties, uncles and cousins. I thought it might be a good idea to actually keep up with this blog, so everyone could feel a little more connected and see how Macy is growing. So without further ado, a few highlights from the past few weeks:

Recently Macy has discovered her fingers and LOVES them. When they happen to pass by she gets very excited and tries to get them in her mouth as fast as she can. It will be a wondrous day when she discovers that she can actually control when they pass by!!

Occasionally when Macy is between sleep and awake she makes creepy eyes at us. We call this the Uncle Fester state. It's mostly funny and only a little bit creepy.

Macy LOVES music in any capacity-- she loves listening to the music in her swing and bouncy seat, she loves when someone sings to her, and she especially loves when her daddy (pictured here looking extremely tired) plays the piano for her.

This was a big day for mother and daughter-- our first trip to Target together! Needless to say, it was a tender moment for both of us. Here's to many more Target trips in the future, Macy! TBFL! (Target Buddies For Life).

She loves her "big girl" bed, even though she doesn't sleep in it yet. She likes to chillax in there and examine the paint on the walls. Fascinating stuff.

This is the preferred sleeping spot for Miss Mace. I can't say that I mind too much at this point. :) She is very snuggly.

Macy has mastered most of our household gadgets already and has a bit of a hard time sharing the remote, if I'm being honest. She never misses her reruns of Murder She Wrote.

Macy loves to ride in the car, and when she does she looks out the window the entire time with the sweetest little grin on her face (not pictured for road safety reasons). It is the sweetest thing ever.

One of the things I love most is that she is so chatty. Yesterday we went to the doctor and she had something to say to everyone. Lots of cooing and chirping noises, grunting, squeaking, etc. I have named her Macysaurus, because often times she sounds like a t-rex.

I'm sure there are a million more things I could come up with to go on and on about, but I won't. At least not right now...

We're having a ball with our little chick. She's the best.


Kristen said...

That last picture is absolutely adorable! Can't wait to spend more time with her when she's awake! :)

stacy marie said...

cuteness overload! i love her creepy eyes. richard says i do that when i sleep. it's the cool thing to do i guess ;) and way to get out and about up in that Target girl. i could go on and on but i will just say, "aw."

and I LOVE all the before baby after baby picture! go schmandyz! i shall give you the updated blog award asap. keep them coming!


Amy said...

I've been checking daily for an update! I can't believe she is one month old already! These pictures are too DIE for especially the last one! I just want to eat her up...well not really, just nibble a little! Love you guys!

Allyson Motschiedler said...

Yay! I'm so excited you guys are blogging about Macy!!!! I love seeing all her pictures and hearing all about her. I am completely enamored with her and look forward to all of the thrilling pictures of her sleeping, lounging, sleeping some more....

Keep them coming!

Seth & Amy said...

Okay, that is a darling baby! She had us at creepy eyes! Uncle Fester has nothing on this babe! Come chillax with us. Love Seth and Amy