Wednesday, April 4, 2012

1 Year Down

Macy girl had her first birthday March 10th. I know I say it all the time and you are over hearing me say it but- I just can't believe how fast the time has gone. I held it together all day on her birthday. I didn't even cry when we sang her Happy Birthday. It wasn't until I crawled into bed, completely exhausted, that it hit me. My baby isn't really a baby anymore. Who knew the word "toddler" would invoke a cry fest? I let myself be sad about the end of the baby stage for a few minutes, before I decided to be excited about what is to come.

My mom once described Macy as "pure sunshine". The other day we were at the post office, waiting in line with one other person, a big, scruffy looking guy who did not look like he was in a very good mood. Macy smiled her biggest smile at him and said, "Hi!" I'm sure he heard her, but he chose to ignore her. I felt a little hurt for my sweet girl, but she didn't give up. She said hi over and over...and over. Each time he turned away to try to avoid eye contact with her, she turned that much further toward him to MAKE SURE he saw her. He never did end up acknowledging her or saying hello. But that didn't stop her from waving "bye bye" to him when he left, wearing that same happy smile. Maybe it sounds a tad overly dramatic, but I think this is going to be Macy's contribution to the world. She's going to be happy. And she's going to invite other people to be happy too. And even if they decide not to, she's going to be happy anyway.

Thanks, Mace, for the happiest year of our lives. Can't wait for many, many more.


stacy marie said...

holy hawt baby! When did Mace get so gorgeous?! I know she's always been a babe, but good green beans shmandz. Love the pictures. You are a bloody brilliant photog. And yes, I left of the "rapher" to sound cooler. Cuz that's how we roll.

And I love that cranky man story. What a grump. But go Macy for persevering. She's a great missionary already. :) A missionary of sunshine for the Lord. hehe.

So glad to see you get your blog on! You need to step up your internet presence game girl.


Danielle said...

Beautiful photos of an even more beautiful little girl-happy birthday sweet macy!!! Can't believe it's been a year either, they grow up so fast!

Amy and Dane said...

Can't believe that she is already one! That blows my mind. She is adorable. Hope you guys are loving life in Oregon. Any chance of a trip this year? We miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

So much loveliness in this blog! I love it! - B.W. Mammoth